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I'm Chip.

That’s me depicted in two dimensions. In real life, I'm a multi-dimensional person who helps brands find their story and do and say interesting things.

As a copywriter, creative director and ECD, I’ve been fortunate to work with many super-talented people from every department on all types of business. I’ve sold chicken, cold medicine, pancakes, shampoo, milk, deodorant, steak, fabric softener, cars, trucks and financial tools I barely understood (the clients fortunately loved the work anyway). I’ve attracted people to visit the corners of New York far from the Big Apple, helped convince businesses to set up shop in the Empire State, and unveiled new airports and train terminals.

I’ve wrapped buses with waterfalls, staged Snuggle Bear serenades on social, and punked cappuccino-lovers in Soho. I’ve led a creative department locally, directed teams across multiple offices nationally and developed work that’s run globally.

I’ve traveled all the way across the world only to shoot a puppet on green screen and have closed down a full city block in Long Beach for a Super Bowl circus accident featuring crazed clowns and a live lion. But some of my favorite work was written and produced completely within an agency cubicle.

I’m always looking forward to a new adventure. Let’s talk about one we could create together.
